the Mission
The mission of Great River Church is to make disciples of Christ by facilitating Belonging, Believing, and Becoming. Everything GRC does through ministry aims at assisting people to belong, believe, and become.
Life is about relationships. God created every person to belong to a larger family. Contrary to popular belief, God is not found in seclusion. It’s in the difficult work of cultivating meaningful relationships with others that God is found. At Great River Church, four significant truths are rehearsed over and over again: 1) You belong to God; 2) You belong to God’s family; 3) You are radically loved; and 4) You are totally accepted just the way you are.
For the person interested in receiving abundant life in Christ Jesus, living in community is where it all begins. Faith follows relationships. At Great River Church you are not expected to believe first. We follow the example of Christ who encouraged people to belong and then to believe. Together we are always better.
The best place to engage in belonging at Great River Church is in a Small Group. It’s there where you experience God’s tangible love for your life.
Believing doesn’t happen in just a single act. It’s a long process that certainly begins at a special moment in time, but continues to develop little by little, growth spurt by growth spurt, and is empowered by God’s unfailing love. The journey towards mature faith begin when a person believes that God loves them unconditionally, God assigns purpose and destiny for their lives, God yearns to be in relationship with them, God adds lasting relationships for support, and God empowers them to positively impact the world.
The grace and favor to impact the surrounding world doesn’t develop overnight. It develops over time in the company of other believers, as you hear about how God has destined you to accomplish a work in the world no one else can achieve.
At Great River Church, your believing is strengthened through the weekly worship service, the faith building that occurs in small groups, and the enrichment opportunities afforded through HD LEADERSHIP on the GRC app.
God’s love is transformative. Yes, Jesus Christ accepts you just as you are, but His love ultimately transforms you into being more and more like Himself. Love’s ultimate expression is faith, and faith’s ultimate goal is transformation. It doesn’t happen all at once. As you embrace the journey of faith, it transforms you to reflect the image of Christ little by little. Before you know it, you too will live to serve others like Christ did. The more you serve, the more you become the leader and influencer Jesus desires you to become.
Through Great River’s HD GROUPS, you are not only mentored to be all you’re destined to be, but you’re empowered to become a hero-maker in your own right, lifting others up to fulfill their own God-given destiny.
the Vision
The dream of Great River Church is to build God a house made of diverse people who are passionate about worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry, and mission.