Visiting Great River
The street address of Great River Church is 95 Glen Street, New Britain, Connecticut. Once you enter the parking lot, you’ll be directed to the worship space.
Worship service at Great River Church is just under 90 minutes. It begins promptly with an opening song and prayer, followed by a few praise and worship songs, and an inspirational and practical sermon/teaching. There is no dress code. The service is exciting, relaxed, and safe.
11:00 AM
What type of church is this?
Great River Church does not claim any exclusive denomination or tradition. Our spiritual family is made up of people from all backgrounds, churched and unchurched, who assemble together under the umbrella of God’s love through Jesus Christ.
Who is the Lead Pastor of Great River Church?
The Lead Pastor of Great River Church is David Santiago Sr. He’s a third-generation pastor with more 25 years of pastoral experience. Pastor David is ordained by the American Baptist Churches USA and has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Bible and Pastoral Ministries from Central Bible College, a Master of Divinity degree from Yale University, a Doctor of Ministry Degree from Hartford Seminary, and 4-Units of Clinical Pastoral Education earned through an internship and residency program at Hartford Hospital.