Who We Are

Great River Church is a multi-racial, multi-generational, and multi-cultural congregation that exists to make disciples of Christ by facilitating Belonging, Believing, and Becoming. It is interdenominational, as the congregation has become a safe haven for Christians disillusioned with traditional, mono-ethnic, culture-specific White, Black, Latino, and Asian churches. Together, people from all backgrounds are translating the Jesus-tradition for themselves and the next generations,under the all-inclusive umbrella of God’s love in Christ.


What We Believe


God has eternally existed in three persons—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  These are co-equal, in perfect unity with different functions, and constitute one God.  


Written by human authors inspired by the Holy Spirit, the Bible is the ultimate source of truth for Christian living.


Jesus Christ died on the cross for the forgiveness of sin, restoring relationship with God for all who place their faith in Him.  Eternal life cannot be earned for it is a gift from God to all who accept it through faith in Jesus Christ.    


Water baptism by immersion is the believer’s public confession of faith in Jesus Christ for salvation and symbolizes death to sin and resurrection to a new life.

 Also known as the Lord’s Supper, communion is an observance that remembers the work of Jesus Christ on the cross.  It both testifies of a vertical fellowship with God and a horizontal fellowship with other believers.    


God’s family on earth—the church, is both universal and local. As a local community of believers, its mission centers on five purposes: worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry, and mission.